The Difference between Consultants and Employees

I was involved in a conversation the other day about what differentiates a consultant from a non-consultant. If you asked a non-consultant, perhaps the first answer you’d get is that there must be a prerequisite for arrogance in order to be a consultant.  I’ve met my...

Why Do You Want to Work From Home?

Working from home is a growing trend in the business world.  In an effort to cut back on office space and other overhead costs, many companies have set up their employees with the technology they need to do their jobs in their home offices. The big issue that...

The Arsonist and the Fireman

The City’s Hero The city was experiencing a rash of fires.  Arson was usually suspected but the source of the flame could never be proven. Fortunately, the city had a crack firefighting squad.  Mark was the star of the show. Every fireman on the crew admitted that...

Dealing with a Condescending Client

Maybe you’ve experienced this scenario.  You’re sitting in the client’s conference room attempting to help them solve a problem.  In an effort to brainstorm, you come up with some ideas.  Perhaps you saw the same ideas implemented successfully at another client. Shot...