Why Are We Here? Is the Daily Question

How often have you entered a meeting wondering why everyone was being brought together for an hour?  How many times have you left the meeting wondering the same thing? Did it ever occur to you that people may be wondering the same thing when they enter and exit a...

Pushing Too Hard and the Monkey’s Dilemma

Have you ever worked so hard that you didn’t get anything done? The elusive banana The monkey’s dilemma is a well known story about how hunters figured out a way to capture monkeys in the jungle.  They would place some food that appealed to monkeys, like peanuts or a...

Are You Keeping a Client Focus?

In an episode of ‘House of Lies’, the Showtime series loosely based on management consulting, there was a situation where the team was tasked with reviewing a pharmaceutical client’s internal study.  In reality, they were being paid to rubber stamp the study rather...

Strictly Follow the Rules

In 1990, Burger King launched an advertising campaign with the tagline “Sometimes You’ve Just Got to Break the Rules”.  It was fairly controversial with parents wondering if BK was trying to teach their kids – of all things – to break rules. Should I follow the rules?...

Consulting Skill: Focus on the Client

The 1998 baseball season was the most exciting season that I can remember.  Sammy Sosa and Mark McGuire went head-to-head in a home run race that ended with them both breaking Roger Maris’ 37-year old single-season record of 61 homers.  Sosa hit 64 home runs and...