Our Blog

5 Difficult Client types and How to Deal with Them

Over my 20+ years of consulting, I've dealt with many types of clients. Most have been good clients. They were cooperative and wanted to solve problems in a collaborative environment. Every once in a while, I've run into one that isn’t so cooperative. Perhaps they had...

4 Ways the World is Changing In front of Your Eyes

Over the 1980s and 1990s, we watched the phenomenon of the Walmart revolution. New stores opened at an amazing clip while people flocked there for their low prices to buy everything from school clothes to groceries to tires. They were able to charge those low prices...

5 Ways to Get Your Client to Love You

Consultants and clients often have a contentious relationship. Clients resent the high hourly fees the consultants charge. They view consultants as a necessary evil. Consultants tire of the constant demands the client places on them, while pressuring them to lower...

Lessons Learned from a Master Networker

One of my best friends died last week. As toddlers, Robb and I played together in the nursery of our church. We were in the same kindergarten class. We were friends through high school, college and throughout our adult lives. Over the past decade or so, even though...

10 Ways to Have a Successful first Year of Consulting

The most common feedback I get from my book Consulting 101, or from this blog, comes from experienced consultants. Invariably, they say something like, "That's great advice. I wish I had known this ten years ago." Many of them have stated that they had already learned...

6 Reasons You Suck as a Consultant

As we recover from the Great Recession of 2008-2009, unemployment continues to inch downward. Lingering effects remain, however. Many people who were unable to find jobs with traditional employers became consultants. Some were consultants in name only. They had no...

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