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How Herding Cats Allows Consultants To Get Things Done
I've worked with clients who had their own project methodologies. In most cases it was a binder or two somewhere on a bookshelf. It might have even been distributed in binders on everyone's desk. Unfortunately, that was often where it ended. It has been my experience...
6 Ways Consultants Can Impact Organizational Change
Ask any random business people what first comes to mind when they think of the word "consultant." Some will tell you that they steal your watch to tell you the time. You might hear that they train their people on one client in order to charge higher rates at the next...
How I Learned that Burning Bridges is A Career Limiting Move
When I was in high school, I had a job at a restaurant. At one point, being a mature 16-year old, I wanted to quit. I didn't just want to quit. I wanted to tell the boss off and storm out of the place. I was talking to my dad about it. He told me that I shouldn't be...
6 Reasons Client Employees Hate Consultants
When a consultant shows up at a new client, it's always a good idea to have one's guard up. It's very possible that he or she is entering hostile territory. It's nothing personal. Okay, maybe it's a little personal. You did decide to become a consultant after all. I...
5 Things I Hate About Consulting
Since I wrote the first edition of Consulting 101 in 2010, an updated 2nd Edition this year, over 200 consulting-related blogs, and recording over fifty podcasts on Consulting and Professional Services Radio, I have done a lot to profess my love for the consulting...
How the Client Senses the Consultant Spy
In the book Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the 5th book of the insanely popular series by J. K. Rowling, a new teacher is introduced. Professor Umbridge becomes a formidable antagonist in the story. She is appointed by Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge,...
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