Our Blog
What Project Management Means to Me
I’ve been blogging for about three years now. Today I’m trying something a bit different. I’m participating in a Flash Blog. More than forty bloggers are contributing a blog at the same time on the same day with the same title: What Project Management Means to me: A...
Imagine No Employees
Outsourcing has become common over the past several years. Nearly every organization deals with outsourcing of some sort. It is a bit controversial. When companies outsource with offshore workers, we hear complaints of moving our jobs overseas, putting our own...
The Art of Schmoozing
One of the things that has always made consulting so interesting to me is the multi-faceted tasks a consultant performs. I’ve found that roles in non-consulting companies have a tendency to get pigeon-holed. This is your job and that’s what I expect you to do. People...
A Mentoring Role Reversal
Most of us have had some exposure to a mentoring program. Many companies implement programs at various levels of formality and to various levels of success. Some organizations establish formal policies for mentoring. “Herman, you’ll be mentored by Fred”. Other...
Why Do You Want to Work From Home?
Working from home is a growing trend in the business world. In an effort to cut back on office space and other overhead costs, many companies have set up their employees with the technology they need to do their jobs in their home offices. The big issue that...
Bad Projects Can Still Be Career Builders
Early in my career, I was once called at home around 9:00 PM on a Thursday night and told to report the next day to a project in a city, three and a half hours away from my home. The next morning I drove there to find out it was a project in trouble. They were way...
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