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The Arsonist and the Fireman
The City’s Hero The city was experiencing a rash of fires. Arson was usually suspected but the source of the flame could never be proven. Fortunately, the city had a crack firefighting squad. Mark was the star of the show. Every fireman on the crew admitted that...
The Meaning in Your Work
I once worked for a consulting firm that did a lot of college recruiting. After our recruiting department had gone through the campus visit process, pre-screening interviews and had filtered out the most promising candidates, we would invite the remaining candidates...
When Expectations and Reality Collide
A detour Sam was making good time. He was cruising down interstate 94 ahead of schedule to meet his daughter in college. If he could keep up at this rate, he would be there by six o’clock to take her to dinner. And then it hit. He saw up in the distance that cars...
How the Talent Crisis and High Unemployment Co-exist
We continue to hear mixed messages regarding unemployment. In one month, the Unemployment rate goes down, but it’s because more people gave up and left the market. Another month it goes down, but not as much as expected. It’s hard to tell the good news from the bad...
Pushing Too Hard and the Monkey’s Dilemma
Have you ever worked so hard that you didn’t get anything done? The elusive banana The monkey’s dilemma is a well known story about how hunters figured out a way to capture monkeys in the jungle. They would place some food that appealed to monkeys, like peanuts or a...
Does That Guy Really Bother You?
As a consultant, you get a unique array of seating arrangements. It’s rare for a client to give their consultants a corner office with a view. About the only corner office you’ll get is the cubicle in a high traffic area. In most cases, a consultant is seated in a...
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