Our Blog
Do You Build New Systems or Maintain Old Ones?
If you’re like me, you don’t’ like to put a lot of money into your home for maintenance. To me, there’s just not a lot of gratification to maintenance. For example, I recently installed a new sump pump in my home. Since then, not a single person has complemented me...
Mr. Client, How Do You Define Success?
Consultants love the client during the sales cycle. It’s the courtship phase where the people at the client seem like decent human beings. And better yet, the client thinks consultants seem decent. Consultants promise them success and the client often believes it. ...
Should I Join a Large Consulting Firm or a Boutique?
When I was in my last semester of college, I had interviewed with a lot of different companies and it all came down to three offers to decide among. One was from an insurance company in central Illinois near my family where I grew up. Another was from an insurance...
Do You Have Too Much Reliance On Process?
I remember growing up, watching my mother put recipes together. She was meticulous in making sure that her measurements were exact. And the meals she prepared were predictably consistent. A reliance on process When I ventured out on my own as an adult, I followed...
Bossing Around: The Next Best Thing to Leadership
Over the years, I’ve worked under many management styles. I’ve reported to managers that were so command and control that I questioned every decision I made, wondering if I was overstepping my bounds – or the bounds imposed on me by my manager. I’ve also had managers...
On Being Bold: Step on the Gas
A few years ago, I purchased a classic car – a 1975 Oldsmobile Delta 88 convertible. It’s been a fun car to drive around town on nice summer days. It’s usually what I drive to go watch my kids play soccer and baseball. And I’ve only gotten caught in the rain a...
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