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Strictly Follow the Rules
In 1990, Burger King launched an advertising campaign with the tagline “Sometimes You’ve Just Got to Break the Rules”. It was fairly controversial with parents wondering if BK was trying to teach their kids – of all things – to break rules. Should I follow the rules?...
Dealing with the Angry Client
Most of the clients I’ve worked with have been rational people that are easy to work with. But I’ve had to deal with a few that were completely irate with me. Consider the following: I once forwarded a document from our off-shore development center to a client for...
Consulting Skill: Focus on the Client
The 1998 baseball season was the most exciting season that I can remember. Sammy Sosa and Mark McGuire went head-to-head in a home run race that ended with them both breaking Roger Maris’ 37-year old single-season record of 61 homers. Sosa hit 64 home runs and...
Motivation: Positive and Negative Incentives
When I was in high school, I had a fantastic U.S. History teacher. He had us subscribe to Time Magazine and we were required to read an editorial from the newspaper every day. We were to highlight the main issues of the editorial in one color and terms we didn’t...
Paying Your Dues for Success
I remember once when a manager at my client was promoted and was making that milestone move from cubicle to a private office. This was a big career move and someone made the comment that she had “paid her dues” and was now reaping the benefits. Paying your dues I was...
Consulting Fail: Burning Bridges
At one point in my career, I worked for a top tier consulting firm that was acquired by another firm. As happens in just about any merger or acquisition, management announced how great this would be for the future of the firm and that no layoffs were planned as a...
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