by lewsauder | Dec 26, 2012 | Career Management
You would think, by the time we get through twelve years of primary education and four years of college, that we’d be able to deal with criticism. After dealing with critical parents, siblings, teachers, coaches and strangers, it should be part of our DNA. But no...
by lewsauder | Dec 17, 2012 | Client relations
Trust in a consulting relationship is highly overrated. All you really have to do is give them the hard sell, play a little hard-to-get and soon you’ll have them eating out of your hand. With that in mind, here are some ways to kill any trust you may have developed...
by lewsauder | Dec 10, 2012 | Consulting Sales
We all grew up having homework to do. Despite the advice from our parents and teachers to do it, some of us did it more than others. And it showed in the long run. When I was a senior in college preparing to interview with hiring firms, I heard the advice to do my...
by lewsauder | Dec 4, 2012 | Career Management
When I was younger, I remember having some definitions of what it meant to have it made. I’d drive by a nice home or watch a nice car go by and say to myself ‘Boy if I only had that, I’d have it made’. I also had a vision of having it made based on an annual salary. ...
by lewsauder | Nov 26, 2012 | Career Management
If you’re in a position to receive resumes from anyone looking for a job, you may have come to the conclusion that everyone seems to be a consultant now days. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Tom Peters has been advocating for years that we should treat our...