by lewsauder | Aug 13, 2012 | Client relations
Ron considered himself pretty lucky. He had been at his job for nearly twenty years. The company paid him well. His family lived in a decent home in a well kept neighborhood. He was living the American dream. That all came to an end when the consultants came....
by lewsauder | Jul 9, 2012 | Client relations
I loved watching Michael Jordan play for The Chicago Bulls in the 1990s. In those days, everybody seemed to want to “Be like Mike”. I remember thinking about how isolated he and other big celebrities had to feel as public figures. When I went out for an evening, I...
by lewsauder | Jul 2, 2012 | Client relations
In an episode of ‘House of Lies’, the Showtime series loosely based on management consulting, there was a situation where the team was tasked with reviewing a pharmaceutical client’s internal study. In reality, they were being paid to rubber stamp the study rather...
by lewsauder | Apr 9, 2012 | Client relations
“Papa was a rollin’ stone. Wherever he laid his hat was his home.” – The Temptations I have a friend who works for a major technology company in the U.S. He is in the process of moving 8 states across the country to the north-east region of the...
by lewsauder | Mar 15, 2012 | Client relations
Over the years, I’ve seen various levels of client satisfaction with their consultants. Some consultants make themselves so indispensable that the client tries to hire them as a full-time employee. On the other end of the spectrum, I’ve seen clients ask for a...
by lewsauder | Jan 30, 2012 | Client relations
I’ve worked in very few organizations that didn’t have a jerk or two walking around. Over the years I’ve learned to deal with them. In the one situation where the jerk was my boss, I worked for several years – too long – to deal with it, and eventually...