Client Expectation Management

When a client hires a consulting firm, whether it’s a single independent consultant or a full project team from a large firm, they know they are paying a high billing rate for those services.  As a result, they have a certain value in mind that they expect to receive...

How to Manage Client Perception

I was always taught not to worry about what people think.  That’s easier said than done. It doesn’t always work in a customer-facing scenario, particularly in the consulting world.  In a perfect world, your boss would judge your performance strictly on that – your...

Dealing with the Angry Client

Most of the clients I’ve worked with have been rational people that are easy to work with.  But I’ve had to deal with a few that were completely irate with me.  Consider the following: I once forwarded a document from our off-shore development center to a client for...

Consulting Skill: Focus on the Client

The 1998 baseball season was the most exciting season that I can remember.  Sammy Sosa and Mark McGuire went head-to-head in a home run race that ended with them both breaking Roger Maris’ 37-year old single-season record of 61 homers.  Sosa hit 64 home runs and...

Consulting Skill: Getting Out From Under the Bus

Few companies hire consultants to be scapegoats.  The primary reason consultants are hired is to help the company solve a problem, take them in a new direction, or to provide a service that they don’t have the resources to do themselves. But that doesn’t stop them...

Some Consulting What Ifs

What if Consultants… Focused on client issues rather than margin and billable hours Acted as if they were guests at a client site – not subservient, but not condescending Said no to the client when they disagreed, rather than being good soldiers doing what the client...