Communicating Bad News to Clients

To paraphrase a common saying, stuff happens.  No one knows that more than a client-serving consultant.  Whether you’re working on a large project or working independently.  Rarely does everything go as planned.  At some time, you find yourself face to face with the...

The Top Tool for the Consultant Toolkit

Have you ever watched a TV commercial from a company you didn’t like?  Did it make you wonder who in their right mind would purchase such a product? Have you ever gotten advice from someone you didn’t respect? Perhaps it was a manager that didn’t treat people well or...

Dealing with a Condescending Client

Maybe you’ve experienced this scenario.  You’re sitting in the client’s conference room attempting to help them solve a problem.  In an effort to brainstorm, you come up with some ideas.  Perhaps you saw the same ideas implemented successfully at another client. Shot...

Earning Client Respect

Two of the most critical things a consultant needs for success are respect and credibility.  They go hand in hand.  If you’re not a credible advisor, it will be hard to earn the respect of your clients. Some consultants assume they have respect just because they call...

How to Deal with Emotional Clients

I’ve usually been able to manage my emotions in business settings.  Everyone makes mistakes and I’ve always had a tolerance for that. But every once in a while, you get a client who doesn’t handle their emotions well.  And that can be contagious. It happens quite...