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Feedback Loops through the One On One

Managing teams in any environment is a challenging undertaking.  You’re trying to accomplish some goal as a team. But each member of the team has their own individual goals that may conflict or at least may not be in line with the team goal. An approach that can help...

Agreeing to Disagree – Playing it Safe

I once worked with a woman who had a habit of saying ‘I don’t disagree’.  This was invariable a response to a point her manager made. Having it both ways I thought this was a very safe approach to commenting on one’s boss’s comments.  You don’t have to agree while you...

Are You a Consultant or Contractor?

The growing trend in the employment world is toward consulting.  This is driven by a number of factors.  The two most notable trends are first, as hiring organizations see slow tepid growth, they have begun to see a need for additional staff, but are hesitant to hire...

Protecting Your Reputation as a Consultant

A neighbor's lost reputation I grew up in a small town of about 2,000 people.  My high school graduating class size was 63.  It was a small, tight-knit community and still is.  I don’t live there anymore, but enjoy my visits back. There was a woman who worked in the...

Failure…According to Plan

It’s been said that we get what we measure.  That can be either good news or bad.  If a consulting sales team is measured strictly on the sales revenue they bring in, you may get some sales people who go out and sell a lot of services.  Whether they sell services that...

Earning Client Respect

Two of the most critical things a consultant needs for success are respect and credibility.  They go hand in hand.  If you’re not a credible advisor, it will be hard to earn the respect of your clients. Some consultants assume they have respect just because they call...

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