Our Blog

The Difference between Consulting and Managing

Consultants are generally contracted by their clients to resolve an issue.  It’s often project based.  For instance, a healthcare consulting firm may be contracted to implement a new electronic medical records (EMR) system at a medical center.  They will be charged...

How to Deal with Emotional Clients

I’ve usually been able to manage my emotions in business settings.  Everyone makes mistakes and I’ve always had a tolerance for that. But every once in a while, you get a client who doesn’t handle their emotions well.  And that can be contagious. It happens quite...

Airing the Consulting Firm’s Dirty Laundry

I was once at a client where I had developed an excellent relationship with one of their employees. We got to the point where we began going to lunch on a regular basis and would occasionally stop for a drink after work. It’s usually a good development when your...

Befriending Your Enemies

Hate has caused a lot of problems in the world, but has not solved one yet – Maya Angelou I recently had the pleasure of seeing the movie Lincoln. I’ve always had an interest in American history and had already read Team of Rivals  the book on which the movie was...

Why Consulting Hiring Keeps Rising

As of January, 2013 the U.S. unemployment rate stood at 7.8% (Bureau of Labor Statistics). That’s certainly lower than its peak of 10% in October 2009, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Still, the consulting industry is in the intense pursuit of...

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