Our Blog
It Depends is Always the Answer
I’ve heard people – mostly clients – that joke about the fact that you have officially made it as a consultant when you learn that the answer to everything is It depends. There is a lot of truth to that. It’s not a matter of being evasive. And it’s usually not a...
Millennials May be the Next Greatest Generation
I can’t remember whether it was on Facebook or Twitter that I saw it. It doesn’t matter. It was just another post slamming the millennial generation. They’re so full of themselves. They’re always staring into their phones. They have such a sense of entitlement. Some...
Solve it once – Duct tape gets expensive
I consider myself to be pretty handy around the house. I’ve built things, made furniture, and installed appliances with some decent success. Some of the things I don’t like to do are automotive work and plumbing. Maybe I’m just better with wood, I just don’t get the...
The Importance of Feedback
I have a friend who is one of the nicest and kindest people I know. Unfortunately, she gives off a bad first impression. Although she rarely has a cross word for anyone, she doesn’t always express her appreciation to people. She’s friendly to them. But if she’s...
Dealing with Your Nemesis at Work
One of my favorite televisions shows is Modern Family. I can’t think of a character on that show that I don’t like. But one of my favorite characters is Cam. He was a college football player who now coaches a high school football team. As a former athlete, Cam is...
Getting Things Done (and Stuff)
I have a friend who seems to refuse to use anything but vague nouns when she speaks. Out of the blue she will say things like, “I talked to that guy about that thing.” I usually look at her with a blank stare and say something prophetic like, “Huh?” She will then get...
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