About lewsauder

Here are my most recent posts

Good Project Connections

I recently completed a home improvement project to install an underground sprinkler system in my yard.  After digging trenches up and down and around the house and running tubing in each direction, I needed to splice the tubing at several points with a tee or an elbow...

Communicating Bad News to Clients

To paraphrase a common saying, stuff happens.  No one knows that more than a client-serving consultant.  Whether you’re working on a large project or working independently.  Rarely does everything go as planned.  At some time, you find yourself face to face with the...

What Project Management Means to Me

I’ve been blogging for about three years now. Today I’m trying something a bit different.  I’m participating in a Flash Blog.  More than forty bloggers are contributing a blog at the same time on the same day with the same title: What Project Management Means to me: A...

Imagine No Employees

Outsourcing has become common over the past several years.  Nearly every organization deals with outsourcing of some sort. It is a bit controversial. When companies outsource with offshore workers, we hear complaints of moving our jobs overseas, putting our own...

The Art of Schmoozing

One of the things that has always made consulting so interesting to me is the multi-faceted tasks a consultant performs.  I’ve found that roles in non-consulting companies have a tendency to get pigeon-holed. This is your job and that’s what I expect you to do. People...