When Leaving Your Job Is the Right Option

From the time we start school as a child, our transitions in life are decided for us for many years.  Each year we finish a grade in school, the next level has been predetermined. When we graduate from high school, even though most of us got to choose whether to go to...

What Do They Mean By Strong Communication Skills?

Published job descriptions are full of ambiguous skill demands.  Demonstrated leadership skills…Flexible, powerful intellect…Creative and curious…Great team player. Those traits are hard to prove; and hard to disprove unless you were a total slug in college. Strong...

Why Consulting Hiring Keeps Rising

As of January, 2013 the U.S. unemployment rate stood at 7.8% (Bureau of Labor Statistics). That’s certainly lower than its peak of 10% in October 2009, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Still, the consulting industry is in the intense pursuit of...