Consulting Skill: Getting Others to Communicate

  One of the most critical consulting skills is communication.  A good consultant needs to know when to communicate, when not to, and the most effective way to do it when it is necessary. The communication consulting skill Knowing how to communicate includes...

Are You Purchasing Effective Tools?

I’m pretty handy around the house.  My workshop has a decent supply of tools and I can fix and maintain most of the issues that occur in my home. If something breaks, I assess the situation, decide how to best approach it, get the necessary tools and fix it.  If a...

The Need for Control

I’ve always hated control freaks.  I’ve known and worked with quite a few.  Maybe because of my experiences with them, I’ve always tried to resist the need for control. But as a consulting project manager, it helps to be both a control freak and an order freak.  I...

Motivation: Positive and Negative Incentives

When I was in high school, I had a fantastic U.S. History teacher.  He had us subscribe to Time Magazine and we were required to read an editorial from the newspaper every day.  We were to highlight the main issues of the editorial in one color and terms we didn’t...