A Young Consultant’s Sales Responsibilities

I remember early in my consulting career when it was explained to me that, although my primary responsibility as new consultant was to keep my utilization (my percentage of client-billable hours) up to a certain percentage, I was also responsible for sales. You want...

What Does a Consultant on the Bench Do?

Like many industries, the consulting industry can be feast or famine.  There can be more work than you have time to complete it.  In those cases you have to decide which work to decline.  It’s not easy to walk away from billable work. At other times, you can’t find...

Consulting Fail: Burning Bridges

At one point in my career, I worked for a top tier consulting firm that was acquired by another firm.  As happens in just about any merger or acquisition, management announced how great this would be for the future of the firm and that no layoffs were planned as a...

Networking and Collecting Names

I recently connected on Facebook with a childhood friend I haven’t seen or heard from since 5th grade.  We were both amazed by the fact that we remembered so much about each other after all of these years. It got me to thinking that for our next generation.  When...

Win Win Networking

I attended my high school class reunion this past weekend.  It was a great time and nice to see some old friends and acquaintances, two of which I hadn’t seen in the 30 years since our graduation.  That sappy Peaches and Herb song Reunited was popular during our high...