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Practicing Compassion in Consulting
Clients hire consultants to get a job done. In addition to the business at hand, they may also need to show compassion in a world that is quite different for everyone involved.
4 Predictions for Post-COVID-19
At the time of this writing, many of us are still in the midst of a quarantine that could last, in some form, for several months. There still are more questions than answers. And that could be the situation for quite some time to come. With such uncertainty, I wanted...
The Lost Art of Hallway Conversations
The work from home trend has taken off. According to CNN Money, the number of people telecommuting has increased 115% in the last decade. A number of indicators show that that will only increase. Organizations have moved on from the trust issue and realized just how...
Quantitative Measurements and Gaming the System
I had a friend start a new job. Once he got acclimated with his surroundings, he developed a daily routine once he got to work. He would always be there by the required 8:30 am. He would hang up his coat, stop at the restroom, grab his coffee cup, and get some coffee...
Ethics of Personal Branding
In marketing, how you brand your product is the most important aspect you consider. Virtually everything you do affects your product’s branding. The brand is essentially, how the public views the product. The packaging, where it is sold, its price, advertising:...
Do your orders create confusion?
I had a boss once who was incredibly smart. He started his career in technology as a developer. He worked his way up to team lead, manager, director, and eventually VP. While he maintained his technical knowledge, he also developed a deep level of business acumen. The...
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